Jen's Dilemma Ch. 3 [v 6.0]

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Descripción: This game revolves around a family that once enjoyed a life of luxury but now struggles with poverty. It's hard for them to adjust to their new situation, and there's always tension in their life. The main character hasn't always been on his best behavior, and his actions got him kicked out of the house. To return home, he must find a job and start contributing financially. When he decides to turn his life around, everything changes for him. He faces new challenges and meets various characters, each with their own unique stories. You guide him through all these different situations and make choices that will shape the story in different ways.
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Play previous parts of the game clicking on the links Jen's Dilemma and Jen's Dilemma Chapter 2

Versión: Updated: 2024-12-22, Posted: 2024-09-04. Solicitud de actualización!
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